Thursday, December 6, 2012

Why the renaissance started in Italy

During the time when therenaissance started to begin, trade began to pick up and become more popular in Italy. Traders brought in money, thus allowing merchants to buy and sell more items. Another catalyst of the renaissance was the invention of the printing press. This allowed writers to print and distrubute information very quickly.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Renaissance Men

I. Copernicus


-heliocentric (universe is centered around sun)


II. Brahe


-his work supported Copernicus

-observed sky every night for many years

III. Kepler


-Brahe's assistant

-planets move in oval-shapes not circles

IV. Galileo


-ideas challenged Christian views about heavens

-locked up & threatens with death unless he withdrew his "heresies"

-built model solar system


V. Versalius

-structure of human body

VI. Descartes

-Father of modern philosophy

-rational thinking beings

VII. Pascal

-wrist watch

-invented math machines



VIII. Newton


-discovered gravity

-partially invented calculus

-created many scientific laws


IX. Shakespeare

-created new words


-poetic writer

X. Dante

-wrote in vernacular

-wrote Divine Comedy


XI. Erasmus

-one of the most important scholars of his age

-produced new Greek edition of Christian Bible


XII. More


-came up with the Ideal Society (men and women live in peace and harmony)


XIII. Gutenberg

Printed the complete edition of the Christian Bible using printing press.

